
2016-11-07 14:33:17作者:佚名来源:本站原创

  It is natural that man should love beauty, for beauty brings lasting happiness. If there were no beauty on this earth, it would have been a dull place. If there were no joy in human life, it would have been an unbearable burden. All of us wish to live a full and satisfying life. We wish to enjoy the good things of life, such as the quiet magic of moonlight.

  人人都爱美,因为美能带来持久的幸福感。若地球没有美的东西,那将多么沉闷乏味。 若人类生活没有欢乐,那将是难以忍受的负担。我们都希望生活得充实而满足,欣赏生活中美好的事物,比如感受月光的静谧之美。

  As the moon rose in the sky, a strong desire took hold of me. As the moonlight fell on me, something stirred in my heart. Like a man under a spell, I rose and walked out of the house. The moon called me and I cannot refuse. And before I was aware of it, I have reached the riverside. The noise of the city has been left behind. I have forgotten my cares and my worries. Everything has gone into background. Everything has lost its reality. Only the moon was real. Only the magic of its rays was real. Only the rippling water of the river was real. The water flowed gently towards the horizon to meet the moon. I walked on, and reached the wild rose bushes. The flowers were before my eyes and the roses never looked so beautiful. I stood there and my eyes rested on the landscape. Old memories awakened in my mind. Past joys and sorrows mixed with the present happiness.
