《新课标百科丛书》 Happy New Year

2015-05-05 19:48:53作者:左红霞来源:泰州市实验小学
新课标百科丛书》 Happy New Year 泰州市实验小学左红霞 教学设计: Teaching Aims Knowledge Objectives 1. Students will be able to understand words and sentences in this text. 2. Students will be able to get the general information about the New Year. Skill objectives 1. Students will be able to use the major reading strategies: skimming, scanning and inferring. 2. Students will be able to cooperate and communicate with others in pairs or groups. Affective Objectives 1. Students will be more interested in English reading. 2. Students will know more about the culture and customs about the New Year. Teaching Analysis This text focuses on the New Year. It introduces the culture and customs about the New Year. This thoughtful and contemporary text is full of interesting knowledge and challenges for students’ self-reading. The teacher helps students read by skimming and scanning the reading materials. The students get general idea about the New Year; realize its cultures and customs in the West. The three-dimension teaching aims, that is knowledge-learning, skill-training and emotional experiences are reflected in this lesson. Teaching Key Points 1. Students will be able to understand words and sentences by reading. 2. Students will be able to understand the text and learn to use the reading strategies. Teaching Difficulties 1. Students might have problems in understanding celebrations of the New Year and reading the text emotively under the guidance of the teacher. 2. Students might have problems in expressing their own acquisition according to text reading. Teaching Time 40 minutes Teaching Methods The communicative Approach and Direct Approach Teaching Materials Some teaching cards, PPT Teaching Process

设计教师 左红霞 阅读课
教学年级 六年级 第一课时
Procedure Activities Intentions
Pre-reading Enjoy a vedio: New Year, New York Lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. . Show a picture to students, and then elicit the topic. To warm up and to elicit the theme. Let students say more English.
While-reading Task 1Predicating and check. Think about questions mentioned in this text. Task 2: Listen, read and underline Look at Page 8-9, underline the key words or phrases about the questions. Choose questions to answer. Read each passage step by step. Task 3: Read loudly Read the whole text loudly with the computer.. Task 4: Read and judge, then retell Read the sentences and judge. Try to correct the false ones.. Task 5Let’s talk Say sth. about our New YearSpring Festival Task 6Read and answer Learn more about Spring Festival and Lantern Festival. Task 7Retell the Spring Festival To guide the students in guessing the meaning of unknown words from notes and context. Guide the students to retell the message. Let students say more sentences. Let students to use the language they leant. Talk about it before reading. Compare it with the new year in West.
Post-reading Chant. Say a chant about the new year Know more How do they celebrate? Let students speak English happily.
Homework 1 Read the article. 2 Introduce the New Year to your family and friends. 3 Try to search more culture of different countries about the New Year. Let students continue to focus on more English culture.

Blackboard design

most midnight Eve

Happy New Year

Times Square gather celebrate
