
2011-07-10 14:56:44作者:佚名来源:本站原创

斯德哥尔摩综合症(Stockholm syndrome),斯德哥尔摩效应,又称斯德哥尔摩症候群或者称为人质情结或人质综合症,是指犯罪的被害者对于犯罪者产生情感,甚至反过来帮助犯罪者的一种情结。这个情感造成被害人对加害人产生好感、依赖心、甚至协助加害于他人。
In 1973, two men robbed a bank in Stockholm, Sweden. For six days, they held four bank employees hostage, keeping them at gunpoint in the vault. After the ordeal was over, many people were surprised by the hostages' reaction. _(1)_
  The incident attracted a lot of media attention, and psychiatrists came up with a term to describe the hostages' feelings. _(2)_ Captives who display this syndrome tend to sympathize with and think highly of their captors. Take the case of a man who was one of the hostages on a flight from Athens, Greece in 1985. The two terrorists threatened the passengers on board with guns, even killing one hostage. _(3)_

  Why does Stockholm Syndrome happen? _(4)_ The theory says that a child forms an emotional attachment to a powerful adult in his or her life, which increases the chance that the adult will protect and care for the child. _(5)_ A Stockholm Syndrome victim mistakes a lack of abuse for an act of kindness. In the heat of the moment, these feelings make sense, and once the situation is over, victims usually have a good chance of getting on with their normal lives.

(A) Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological shift that happens to captives when they are gravely threatened but are also shown acts of kindness by their captors.
(B) The same may be happening when a captive forms feelings of attachment to their captor.
(C) Investigators said that the hostages sympathized with the bank robbers and were more scared of the police.
(D) It occurs as a result of a primitive feeling of gratitude, just like something an infant would experience.
(E) After being released, however, the man told reporters that the hostage-takers weren't bad people because they let him eat, sleep, and live to see another day.

英语填空:第一题空格应选 (C)
a. 空格前一句提到,这起可怕的事件结束后,许多人对人质事后的反应感到诧异。
b. (C) 选项的句子说,调查员表示这些人质同情银行抢匪,对于警方反而更显恐惧,说明让一般人感到讶异之处,前后语意连贯,故选之。
a. investigator n. 调查员
b. hostage n. 人质
hold sb hostage  挟持某人当作人质
hold + 数字 + hostage(s)  挟持若干名人质
例: The bank robbers held the manager hostage during their getaway.
例: The news report said the fired worker was holding five hostages inside the company.
(新闻报导说那名被开除的员工在该公司内挟持了 5 名人质。)
c. sympathize vi. 同情,怜悯
sympathize with...  同情……
例: I really sympathize with the family that lost everything in the fire.
d. be scared of...  害怕……
第二题空格应选 (A)
a. 空格前一句提到,整起事件引发媒体高度关注,精神科医师则提出一个专门名词来形容这些人质的感受,推测空格应为该名词的名称与其叙述。
b. (A) 选项的句子提到斯德哥尔摩症候群这个名词和其特徵,符合推测,且语意连贯,故选之。
a. syndrome n. 症候群
b. psychological a. 心理的
c. shift n. 转移;改变
d. captive n. 俘虏
e. gravely adv. 相当地;严重地
例: Jim's mother was gravely ill, but she didn't let him know how serious her condition was.
f. threaten vt. 威胁,胁迫
例: Billy is fed up with being threatened by bullies at school every day.
g. captor n. 俘虏(他人)者
第三题空格应选 (E)
a. 空格前两句提到一名男性人质在 1985 年搭乘一架从希腊雅典起飞的班机,当时机上发生恐怖分子挟持乘客的情况。
b. (E) 选项的句子则说,该男子获释后向记者表示,挟持人质的恐怖分子并非坏人,因为他们让他吃东西、睡觉,也让他活着见到另一天,前后语意连贯,故选之。
a. release vt. 释放
例: Arthur was released from prison after serving a 10-year sentence.
(亚瑟在狱中服刑 10 年后获释。)
b. hostage-taker n. 挟持人质者
第四题空格应选 (D)
a. 空格前一句提出『斯德哥尔摩症候群为何产生?』的问题,推测空格应说明其原因。
b. (D) 选项的句子提到,它的发生源自于一种原始的感激之情,正如同婴儿所经历的一般,符合推测,且语意连贯,故选之。
a. primitive a. 原始的;起初的
b. gratitud n. 感谢,感激之情
例: I'd like to express my gratitude for your help.
c. infant n. 婴儿
第五题空格应选 (B)
a. 空格前一句提到,这个理论说明小孩在生活中对有权威的成人产生一种情感上的依恋,这会提高成人保护或照顾小孩的机会。
b. (B) 选项的句子说,相同的模式也发生在俘虏对俘虏者产生依恋的状况,前后语意连贯,故选之。
attachment n. 依恋;爱慕

reaction n. 反应(与介词 to 并用)
例: Beth broke down and burst out crying in reaction to the bad news.
come up with...  想出∕想到……(点子等)
例: Terry came up with a great place for the company trip.
think highly of...  推崇∕看重……
例: The critics think highly of the director's debut film.
on board  在船上∕飞机上∕火车上等
= aboard adv.
例: The plane crashed soon after it took off, killing all passengers on board.
mistake A for B  将 A 误认为 B
mistake vt. 误认
三态为:mistake, mistook, mistaken。
例: Katrina mistook Hank's kindness for romantic feelings.
abuse n. & vt. 虐待
例: You can't expect to be healthy when you abuse your body by smoking and drinking all the time.
in the heat of...  在……最激烈的时刻
in the heat of the moment  在情绪最激动的时刻
例: Sherry slapped Nick in the heat of their argument.
make sense  有道理,有意义
例: The professor's complex explanation of the math question did not make sense to anyone.
get on with...  (中断过后)继续从事……
例: After taking a 20-minute nap, Lucas got on with his work.
(小睡 20 分钟后,卢卡斯继续工作。)

employee n. 员工,雇员
employer n. 雇主

gunpoint n. 枪口
keep/hold sb at gunpoint  用枪挟持∕威胁某人

vault n.(银行的)金库;地窖

ordeal n. 可怕的经历;痛苦的折磨

media n. 媒体(複数)
medium n. 媒体(单数)
the mass media 大众传播媒体

psychiatrist n. 精神科医生
psychiatry n. 精神病学

emotional a. 感情上的;情绪上的
emotion n. 情感;情绪

斯德哥尔摩综合症相关报道:973年8月23日,两名有前科的罪犯Jan Erik Olsson与Clark Olofsson,在意图抢劫瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩市内最大的一家银行失败后,挟持了四位银行职员,在警方与歹徒僵持了130个小时之后,因歹徒放弃而结束。然而这起事件发生后几个月,这四名遭受挟持的银行职员,仍然对绑架他们的人显露出怜悯的情感,他们拒绝在法院指控这些绑匪,甚至还为他们筹措法律辩护的资金,他们都表明并不痛恨歹徒,并表达他们对歹徒非但没有伤害他们却对他们照顾的感激,并对警察采取敌对态度。更甚者,人质中一名女职员Christian竟然还爱上劫匪Olofsson,并与他在服刑期间订婚。这两名抢匪劫持人质达六天之久,在这期间他们威胁受俘者的性命,但有时也表现出仁慈的一面。在出人意表的心理错综转变下,这四名人质抗拒政府最终营救他们的努力。