
2016-09-30 10:23:37作者:佚名来源:本站原创


A man was setting out to visit one of his friend early in the morning. 1.
He brought some cakes with him for the lunch. When he was walking 2.
on the road, he thought, “My friend is sure to give me a nice breakfast.” 3.
He threw away his cakes on the road for he wanted to walk fast .He 4.
went on and at last he came into a river. To his surprise, the river 5.
became very wide and he could cross it. He had to wait for a boat. 6.
When the sun was beginning to set, there were no any boats, so he had 7.
to come . He walked and walked and he felt more and more hungry. 8.
Suddenly he found the cakes by the road. He picked them up and 9.
eat them with great difficulty. 10

I have happy family. My father and mother are 1.
old workers. They work on a big factory. They work 2.
very hard. They make a lot different machines for the 3.
farmers. These machines can help the farmer to do lots of 4.
farm work. I have a brother and a sister. My brother lives 5.
in Beijing . He studies in a middle school there. 6.
He teaches English. My sister and I are all students. But 7.
we are in the different grades. She’s in Grade 3 8.
and I’m in Grade 2. I’m very good at English. My sister 9.
often helps me with it. They study hard for the people. 10.

I am a Chinese boy. My name is Li Lei. I’m fourty .I have 1.
two sister. My elder sister’s(姐姐)name is Li Ling. She is six- 2.
teen. My younger sister’s name is Li Mei. She is nine. We are both 3.
students. We study in the different schools. We don’t have no 4.
classes on Sunday. We all like our school. 5.
My father works in a factory. He’s a driver. My mother did 6.
housework(家务事)at house .She cooks meals(做饭)for us. 7.
We all love her . Before school, we do homework, then help mother 8.
do housework. Look! My younger sister helping father clean the 9.
car. So I think my family is a happy one. 10.

My name is Jim. My family is No.24 Jiefang Street. In 1.
the morning my father goes to work. My younger sister and me go 2.
to school. My father takes us to the school. My mother stays at home. 3.
She does the housework. In the afternoon she usually see her 4.
friends .They often eat tea together. In the evening we come 5.
home early than my father. At nine we usually do our homework 6.
then go to bed. My father usually reads newspapers, but my 7.
mother watches TV. On weekends my parents take us go to the 8.
park. And we all have a good time there. On Sundays we don’t go 9.
to the school. Sometimes I go to visit my classmates. 10.

When you look at the sky at night, the moon
looks bigger than the stars. In fact, the moon is more 1.
smaller than the other stars and the sun. It is much 2.
smaller than the earth. And the moon is much closer 3.
to us than some any star. That is -why it looks so big. 4.
If you hold a coin close your eyes, it looks big. 5.
If you look at it across the moon, it looks small.
The moon moves round the earth. It does one trip 6.
in about four weeks. The moon looks flat(平的) for us, 7.
but it is a round ball, as the earth. 8.
People once thought the moon had fires on it. 9.
They thought the fires make bright. Now we know 10.
the moon is like a minor. It gets its light from the sun.

John finished his middle school half a year before and 1.
then he worked as a postman in his small town. As he is 2.
afraid of dog, he often had a lot of trouble. One afternoon 3.
he tried take a post card to a big house by bike. When he 4.
reached the house and got off from his bike at the gate, 5.
at once a large dog came run at him with much noise. 6.
John quickly threw the card through the gate. To his much 7.
surprise, the dog didn' t make any noise. It ran fast to 8.
the card, picked it up with its mouth, carried it towards 9.
the house. John thought for a while and said to him, "The 10.
dog is a better postman than I am. "

Every morning John goes to work by trains. He 1.
always buys a newspaper, it helps to make the time 2.
pass more quickly.
One Thursday morning, he turned on the sports 3.
page. He wanted to see the report about an important 4.
football match the night before. The report was such 5.
interesting that he forgot to get off at his station.
He didn' t know it when he saw the sea. He got off 6.
at the next station, and had to wait long time for a 7.
train to go back. Of course, he arrived very late 8.
at the office. His boss were very angry when Tom 9.
told him why he was late.
"Work is very more important than football!" 10.

Mike lived in a small town. Today he’s very happy(高兴). 1.
It is first day of a new school term. Mike wants to go back to 2.
school soon. He wants to see friends. He is going to meet his 3.
new teachers. He wants to make friend with them. 4.
Mike gets up early in the morning .He puts up his new 5.
clothes. Look! He is having breakfast with his sister. Now he is 6.
ready(准备好)for school.
He goes to school by bike. He meets his friends outside of the 7.
school’s gate. They are talking about something. Then the bell 8.
rings(铃响了). Everyone runs to his and her classroom. Every student 9.
will try to study good in the new term. 10.

Mary is an American school’s girl. She is now in Beijing with 1.
her parents. Mary doesn’t know many Chinese. But she is trying(试)to 2.
learn and say it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese 3.
friends. Sometimes they can understand(懂) her because 4.
she can’t speak Chinese very well.
It’s Sunday morning. She goes to out. She is walking in the 5.
street. She is going to the zoo to see the elephants and monkeys, 6.
but she doesn’t know how get there. She asks a Chinese school 7.
boy. The boy can’t understand her. Then she takes a pen and 8.
some papers . She draws(画)an elephant on it, and shows(给 9.
……看)the picture for the boy. The boy smiles and then he shows 10.
Mary the way to the zoo.

Today is fine. The sky is blue. Now is nine o’clock in the 1.
morning. There’s a sports meeting in the forest(森林) on the big 2.
Look, a horse, a panda and a cat are runing . Over there a 3.
dog with two tigers are jumping. Two monkeys are climbing the 4.
trees. Four birds are flying around and sing. 5.
There’re some animals there, too. The elephants are 6.
standing. A monkey is sitting on an old elephant. A monkey has 7.
a flag(旗)in his hand. Polly is sitting in the tree. A fox, a baby 8.
panda and some small animals are sitting on the trees. They 9.
are all watching. All animals in the forest are very happy. 10.

Lucy is a nice school girl. She often 1.
help people after school. She is very 2.
ready to do good things for other every 3.
day. She cleans house for Aunt Huang 4.
on Sunday. And she fetches (取) the milks for 5.
Aunt wang’s baby on every Saturday. She 6.
helps her classmate with their English 7.
twice a week.
At the school, she often helps the teacher 8.
cleans the blackboard and hand in the exercise 9.
books. She’s also good to her studies. 10.

It is on Sunday today. But 1.
Miss Gao isn’t at the home. 2.
She is now at school with us student. 3.
We all at wok in the classroom. 4.
Some are cleaning windows. 5.
Others is cleaning the desks and chairs. 6.
Li Lei is putting some flowers on the teachers’ desk 7.
Miss Gao is writing on the blackboard with 8.
English : “Welcome to our classroom , Xu Dong!” 9.
Xu Dong is coming to here tomorrow. 10.

Let’s me tell you an interesting story. After I 1.
left the small village in the Farmaland of 2.
France, I drove on to the next village. By 3.
the way to it, a young man asked him for 4.
a lift(顺路搭载). When he got to the car, I said 5.
good morning to him in France and he 6.
answered in the same Language. I knew a few 7.
French words and we didn’t say after that. 8.
When we reached at that village, the young man asked 9.
slowly : “Do you speak English?” I knew at once 10.
he was English, too.

My name is Li Ming. What did I do yesterday? At 1.
first I got up about seven o’clock. I washed, had breakfast, 2.
listened to some music on radio and wrote some letters. 3.
Then I went out of the home at about twelve. I 4.
met one of my friends outside of the Zhongshan Park at 5.
half past twelve. We then went a walk in the 6.
center of the city. We talked with sports, music and 7 .
things as that. We bought two hamburgers at a 8.
fast food shop. After a long walk we all felt quite tired, 9.
then we came home by bus. Then I watched TV and 10.
took the dog for a walk.

After I finished the school this year. I began 1.
to look for work. And several month later, I still 2.
hadn’t found the job that I was interested. Last Sunday 3.
morning I received a phone call from a man calling him 4.
Mr Smith . He said to me on the phone, “I hear you do 5.
very well in your studies. I may have a job for you.” 6.
I went into his office with beating heart(跳动的心). How I 7.
hoped I will go through the job talk today and he 8.
would take me on as a lab assistant(助手). But to my surprised, 9.
what he said disappointing(令人失望的).He only needed a model. 10.

Mike worked in an office at a small town. One day his boss 1.
said to him, “Mike, I want you go to Richmond, to an office 2.
there, to see Mr Shute. Here’s address.(地址)”
Mike went back to Richmond. When he walked out of the station, 3.
he thought, “The office isn’t far from the station. I’ll find it easy.” 4.
But after an hour he was still looking at it, so he stopped and 5.
asked an old woman. She said, “Goes straight along this street and 6.
turn to the left in the end, and it’s the second building on the 7.
right.” Mike went and found it.
A few days after, he went to the same city, but again he did 8.
not find the office, so he asked everyone the way. It was the same 9.
old woman, and she was quite surprised(感到惊讶的) “Are you still looking 10.
for the place?”

Lucy likes English very well. She works 1.
hard. She sees English every morning. She likes 2.
speaking English. She often listens on the radio 3.
at home. She likes to watching TV, but she 4.
often watches them on Saturday evening. 5.
She doesn’t like dancing , and she likes 6.
singing. She sings very good. She likes 7.
driving a car, too. Her parents like her 8.
And both the teachers like her, too. And Lucy 9.
often helps her classmates for their English. 10.

I’m Mr Watson. My first name is Barbara. 1.
I’m a nurse and work in hospital. 2.
I’m married(结婚) with Robert Watson. He’s a scientist. 3.
My husband with I live in New York. 4.
That’s one of the state in the USA. 5.
We live a house, our house isn’t new 6.
and isn’t large, so we like it very much. 7.
We have one daughter . Her name is Helen. 8.
Her room is on upstairs(在楼上). It isn’t big but it 9.
is very nice.
We too have a young son. Its name is Tom. 10.

Mrs Brown went to see her son in London. Her
son worked in a big shop here. Mrs Brown didn’t 1.
know London very well . But she couldn’t find her way. 2.
She saw a man at bus stop. She wanted to 3.
ask the man the way. “Excuse me, and could you 4.
help me , please? What bus goes to Miller’s shop?” 5.
Mrs Brown asked.
The man was very friend .He smiled. But he 6.
didn’t know little English. He spoke French. He was new 7.
in London .He put his hand to his coat and 8.
took out a small book. He opened them and read 9.
something on it . “I’m sorry. I don’t speak English.” 10.

Mary is and English girl, so she lives in Paris(巴黎). 1.
She is seven. A day, her mother said to her, “You are 2.
seven now, Mary. You are going to school there. 3.
I’m sure if you are going to like it very much ,It’s 4.
a nice school, “Is it the English school?” Mary 5.
asked. “Yes, it is,” her mother said. It’s 6.
September and new school opens . Mary goes to 7.
school every day. She likes her lesson very much and 8.
works hard for them. Her father drives a car 9.
into the factory at nine every day. He takes her 10.
to school in the morning and comes home in the afternoon.

2.the去掉. breakfast, lunch, supper前通常不加冠词
3.breakfast→lunch 从文章意思可知朋友招待我吃中饭
5.into→to. 是来到河边,而不是走到河里去
6.could→couldn’t. 从题意可知
7.no→not. 因为no有时相当于not any
8.come 后加back . come back回去
10.eat→ate. 时态不对
1.have 后加a
2.on→in. 在工厂要用介词in
3.lot 后加of . a lot of 表示“许多”
6.studies→works. 从下句中可知My brother 应该是在一所中学工作而不是学习
7.all→both. 见该单元第一篇文章
8.the 去掉
9.very前加not. 从下句中可知我的英语没学好
10.They→we, 指My sister and I
1.fourty→fourteen. 下文中,我姐姐才16岁,所以我应该是14岁而不是40岁
3.both→all, 指我,姐姐,妹妹三人
5.school→schools. 我们三个人上不同的学校
6.did→does. 时态不对
7.house→home. at home在家
8.Before→After. after school 放学后
9.helping前加is, 构成现在进行时
1.No 24前加at
2.me→I,和my sister作主语
3.the 去掉
4.see→sees. 主语she是第三人称单数
5.eat→drink. 喝茶用动词drink.
6.early→earlier. 文中有than my father表比较
7.then前加and, 表并列关系
8.go去掉,因为take sb. to sth. 表示“带某人去某地”
10.the 去掉。上学学习应说go to school 而go to the school是指去那所学校

1.more→much. 比较级前可用much, even等修饰语
3.And→But. 与前一句话构成转折关系
5.close后加to. close to 表示“靠近,挨着”
6.does→makes. make a trip 表示“旅行”
8.as→like, like表示“像……”
10.make 后加it, 指月亮,make it bright使月亮亮起来
1.before→ago. ago构成时间状语时,时态用一般过去时
2.is→was 时态不对
4.tried后加to. try to do sth.意思是“尽力(努力)做某事“
5.from 去掉。off本身应可用作介词,相当于down from
7.much→great. to one’s great surprise意思是“让某人感到很意外”
1.trains→train. 介词by后接表交通工具的名词前不需加冠词,也不用复数形式,要用原形
4.see→read, 读书,看报用动词read
7.long前加a. a long time 是“很长一段时间”
9.were→was. 主语his boss 是单数
2.first前加the, 序数词往往和定冠词the连用
4.friend→friends. 交朋友应说make friends with sb.
5.up→on. 穿衣服应说put on
10.good→well. 副词well修饰动词study, 而good是形容词
3.say→speak. 说某种语言应用动词speak.
4.can→can’t. 从文章意思可知
7.how后加to. 知道如何干某事应说know how to do sth.
8.takes 后加out. take out 意思是“取出,拿出”
9.papers→paper. paper是不可数名词
10.for→to. 短语show sth. to sb.意思是“把某物给某人看”
1.Now 后加it.指时间.
2.meeting→meet.运动会,应说sports meet
5.sing→singing和are 一起构成现在进行时
9.on→under. 在树下应说under the tree.
10.All 后加the, 表特指

2.help→helps. 主语she是第三人称单数
5.milks→milk. 牛奶milk是不可数名词
6.on去掉。every Saturday直接作时间状语,不需介词
8.At 后的the去掉
9.cleans→clean短语. help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事中的“做”要用原形
10.to→at. be good at 表示“擅长……”
1.on 去掉
2.the 去掉
3.student→students. 指我们
4.we 后加are, 和at work 一起构成系表结构
6.is→are. 因为others 指其他人,是复数
9.classroom→class. 指班级
1.Let’s→Let. 因为Let’s=Let us
2.small前的the改为a, 因为前文中没有提到小村庄
3.By→On. 在去……的路上,应该说成on the way to……
4.him 去掉
5.to→into 短语 get into 表示“上车”
6.France→French. 法语应说French. France表示“法国”
7.a 去掉
9.at去掉. reach是及物动词
1.At 后加first. at the first表示“首先”
2.about前加at, 表示在某个时刻
3.on 后加the
5.outside后的of 去掉,outside本身是个介词
6.went 后加for. go for a walk 意思是“散步”
7.with→about, talk about 谈论,讨论
9.all→both. 指我和我的一位朋友,共两人
1.the 去掉,finish school表示“毕业”
3.interested后加in. 对……感兴趣“应说be interested in
5.do→did . 时态不对
7.beating 后加a. 一个人只有一个心脏
8.will→would. 时态不对
9.surprised改成surprise. my 后应加名词,而surprised是形容词,其名词是surprise.
1.at →in
2.go前加to. want sb. to do sth.表示“要某人做某事”
4.easy→easily. 修饰动词find
5.at→for, 寻找应说look for
6.Goes→Go. 祈使句要用动词原形
7.in→at . in the end 表示最后,终于,而at the end表示在……终点,尽头
9.everyone→someone,指下文中的old woman
1.well→much 与very 一起修饰动词like
3.on→to, listen to the radio 听收音机
4.to 去掉或watching→watch
6.and→but. 表转折关系
7.good→well, 修饰动词sings
9.both→all. 指所有的老师
1.Mr→Mrs. 从整篇文章可知Watson是女的
3.with→to . 与……结婚应说be married to sb.
4.with→and. 连接两个并列主语
5.state→states. 美国不只有一个州
7.so→but. 表转折关系
1.here→there. 指在伦敦
4.and→but. 属习惯说法
6.friend→friendly. friendly意思是“友好的”,是形容词,作表语用
9.them→it. 指a small book
1.So→ but
2.A→One. “有一天”应说One day
3.there→here. 指在巴黎
4.if 去掉
7.opens→begins. “开学”应说begin
9.for→at. work hard at是固定短语,意思是“认真学习……”
